Once we’d finished all of the drywall, painting, and trim it was time to put the carpet down. Eventually, we want to put carpet in our bedroom and the family room too, so we’ll probably end up replacing the carpet in the two smaller bedrooms anyway. Still, we needed carpet for the time being…we just didn’t want to spend a bunch. Our solution? We drove to a carpet store and asked if they had any remnants. This is a great way to get a good deal on carpet…especially if you only need a little! We ended up choosing two different remnants, one for each room.
Andy rented a knee kicker and carpet stretcher from one of the local hardware supply stores, and we got cracking. What we didn’t realize was how much hard work it was!
The easy part, however, was putting down the padding and tack strips. Unfortunately, I failed to get pictures. Lame, I know!
Then you have to cut and lay the carpet. This lovely little knee kicker thing helps you get it down right.
Only problem is you actually have to kick it with your knee. Yes, Andy most definitely had sore knees later!
Then you use this crazy stretcher to stretch the carpet and get everything flat.
Overall, we learned that laying carpet is really hard work…but it’s worth the effort.
Doesn’t new carpet just make everything look so much better?
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